Jie Zhang

Jie Zhang
  • Professor
  • Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Phonology

Contact Info

Strong Hall, 220


Professional employment:

2016-Present:  Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas

2009-2016:  Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas

2003-2009:  Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Kansas

2001-2003:  Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, Harvard University


Ph.D. in Linguistics, UCLA, 2001, Los Angeles, CA
M.A. in Linguistics, UCLA, 1997, Los Angeles, CA
B.E. in Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, 1994, Beijing, China


Dr. Jie Zhang's research interests include phonology, phonetics, psycholinguistics, and neurolinguistics, with a particular focus on tone in Chinese languages.


Courses offered at University of Kansas:

Ling 106:  Introductory Linguistics

Ling 107:  Introductory Linguistics (Honors)

Ling 312/712:  Phonology I

Ling 514/714:  Phonology II

Ling 572:  Structure of Chinese

Ling 794:  Proseminar for First-Year Graduate Students

Ling 814:  Seminar in Phonology: Experimental Studies of Tone

Ling 814:  Seminar in Phonology: Interfaces

Ling 850:  Research in Experimental Linguistics

Ling 910:  Seminar in Phonology: Experimental Phonology

Ling 910:  Seminar in Phonology: Prosodic Phonology — Stress and Tone

Ling 910:  Seminar in Phonology: Phonological Productivity

Ling 910:  Seminar in Phonology: Tone Sandhi

Ling 925:  Seminar in Phonology: The Phonetic Basis of Phonological Markedness

Selected Publications

Please contact me for pdfs of papers listed below.

Gong, Shuxiao, Jie Zhang, and Robert Fiorentino (2023). Phonological well-formedness constraints in Mandarin phonotactics: Evidence from lexical decision. Language and Speech.

Li, Mingxing and Jie Zhang (2023). The interplay between psychoacoustic perception and L1-based perception in evaluating the distinctness of sound pairs. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters 3(4), 045201.

Chen, Xiaocong, Caicai Zhang, Yiya Chen, Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Yuyu Zeng, and Jie Zhang (2022). Encoding category-level and context-specific phonological information at different stages: An EEG study of Mandarin third-tone sandhi word production. Neuropsychologia 175: 108367.

Zhang, Jie (2022). Tonal processes defined as tone sandhi. In Chu-Ren Huang, Yen-Hwei Lin, and I-Hsuan Chen (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of Chinese linguistics, pp.291-312. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Zhang, Jie, Caicai Zhang, Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Ziyi Pan, Xunan Huang, Chang Wang, Gang Peng, and Yuyu Zeng (2022). The neural encoding of productive phonological alternation in speech production: Evidence from Mandarin Tone 3 sandhi. Journal of Neurolinguistics 62: 101060.

Zeng, Yuyu, Robert Fiorentino, and Jie Zhang (2021). Electrophysiological signatures of perceiving alternated tone in Mandarin Chinese: Mismatch Negativity to underlying tone conflict. Frontiers in Psychology 12: 735593.

Zhang, Jie (2021). 从连读变调的能产性与听觉启动效应看变调词的底层表征. (Underlying representations of tone sandhi words — evidence from productivity and auditory priming) (pdf).《当代语言学》(Contemporary Linguistics) 23.3: 324-341.

Gong, Shuxiao and Jie Zhang (2021). Modelling Mandarin speakers’ phonotactic knowledge. Phonology 38(2): 241-275.

Yan, Hanbo, Yu-Fu Chien, and Jie Zhang (2021). The representation of variable tone sandhi patterns in Shanghai Wu.Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 12(1), 15: 1-24.

Yan, Hanbo, Yu-Fu Chien, and Jie Zhang (2020). Priming the representation left-dominant sandhi words: a Shanghai dialect case study. Language and Speech 63(2): 362-380.

Zhang, Jie, San Duanmu, and Yiya Chen (2020). China and Siberia. In Carlos Gussenhoven and Aoju Chen (eds.), The Oxford handbook of language prosody, pp. 332-343. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Qin, Zhen, Annie Tremblay, and Jie Zhang (2019). Influence of within-category tonal information in the recognition of Mandarin-Chinese words by native and non-native listeners: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Phonetics 73: 144-157.

Zhang, Jie (2019). Speakers treat transparent and opaque alternation patterns differently — evidence from Chinese tone sandhi (pdf). In Richard Stockwell, Maura O’Leary, Zhongshi Xu, and Z. L. Zhou (eds.), Proceedings of the 36th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, pp. 22-40. Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA.

Zhang, Jie and Hanbo Yan (2018). Contextually dependent cue realization and cue weighting for a laryngeal contrast in Shanghai WuJournal of the Acoustical Society of America 144(3): 1293-1308.

Jongman, Allard, Zhen Qin, Jie Zhang, and Joan Sereno (2017). Just noticeable differences for pitch direction, height, and slope for Mandarin and English listeners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142(2), EL163, 7 pages.

Li, Mingxing and Jie Zhang (2017). Perceptual distinctiveness between dental and palatal sibilants in different vowel contexts and its implications for phonological contrasts.Laboratory Phonology 8(1), 18: 1-27.

Chien, Yu-Fu, Joan Sereno, and Jie Zhang (2017). What’s in a word: Observing the contribution of underlying and surface representations. Language and Speech 60(4): 643-657.

Zhang, Jie (2016). Using nonce-probe tests and auditory priming to investigate speakers’ phonological knowledge of tone sandhi. In Christian DiCanio, Jeff Malins, Jeff Good, Karin Michelson, Jerri Jaeger, and Holly Keily (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, pp.12-18.

Lee, Hyunjung, Allard Jongman, and Jie Zhang (2016). Variation and diachronic change in the nominal pitch accent system of South Kyengsang Korean. Phonology 33(2): 325-351.

Yan, Hanbo and Jie Zhang (2016). Pattern substitution in Wuxi tone sandhi and its implication for phonological learning. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 3(1): 1-45.

Chien, Yu-Fu, Joan Sereno, and Jie Zhang (2016). Priming the representation of Mandarin tone 3 sandhi words. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31(2): 179-189.

Zhang, Jie and Yuanliang Meng (2016). Structure-dependent tone sandhi in real and nonce words in Shanghai Wu. Journal of Phonetics 54(1): 169-201.

Zhang, Jie and Jiang Liu (2016). The productivity of variable disyllabic tone sandhi in Tianjin Chinese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 25(1): 1-35.

Zhang, Jie (2014). 汉语方言变调系统的能产性与其理论分析 (The productivity of tone sandhi in Chinese dialects and its theoretical analysis).《当代语言学》(pdf) (Contemporary Linguistics) 16(3): 273-287.

Zhang, Jie (2014). Tones, tonal phonology, and tone sandhi. In C.-T. James Huang, Y.-H. Audrey Li, and Andrew Simpson (eds.), The handbook of Chinese linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 443-464.

Zhang, Jie (2014). Tone sandhi. In Mark Aronoff (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. Oxford University Press, New York. Revised 2018.

Lee, Hyunjung and Jie Zhang (2014). The nominal pitch accent system of South Kyungsang Korean. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 23(1): 71-111.

Zhang, Jie (2013). 实验音系学. (Experimental phonology) (pdf). In Zhijie Wang and Dongdong Chen (eds.),《西方人文社科前沿述评》(Frontiers in Western humanities and social sciences research, Linguistics volume). People’s University Press, Beijing, China. 89-115.

Liu, Jiang and Jie Zhang (2012/in press). A production and perception study on tonal neutralization in Nanchang Chinese (pdf). In press at Journal of Chinese Linguistics monograph series no. 25: Studies on tonal aspects of languages.

Politzer-Ahles, Stephen and Jie Zhang (2012/in press). Evidence for the role of tone sandhi in Mandarin speech production (pdf). In press at Journal of Chinese Linguistics monograph series no. 25: Studies on tonal aspects of languages.

Zhang, Jie and Jiang Liu (2011). Tone sandhi and tonal coarticulation in Tianjin Chinese. Phonetica 68(3): 161-191.

Zhang, Jie, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor (2011). Modeling Taiwanese speakers’ knowledge of tone sandhi in reduplication. Lingua 121(2): 181-206.

Zhang, Jie (2010). Issues in the analysis of Chinese tone.Language and Linguistics Compass 4(12): 1137-1153.

Zhang, Jie and Yuwen Lai (2010). Testing the role of phonetic knowledge in Mandarin tone sandhi. Phonology 27(1): 153-201.

Zhang, Jie, Yuwen Lai, and Craig Sailor (2009). Opacity, phonetics, and frequency in Taiwanese tone sandhi (pdf). In Manghyu Pak (ed.), Current issues in unity and diversity of languages: Collection of papers selected from the 18th International Congress of Linguists. Linguistic Society of Korea. 3019-3038.

Zhang, Jie (2003/2009). Contour tone distribution is not an artifact of tonal melody mapping (pdf). Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 33.1/2: 73-132. Published in 2009.

Zhang, Jie and Yuwen Lai (2008). Phonological knowledge beyond the lexicon in Taiwanese double reduplication (pdf). In Yuchau E. Hsiao, Hui-Chuan Hsu, Lian-Hee Wee, and Dah-An Ho (eds.), Interfaces in Chinese Phonology:Festschrift in Honor of Matthew Y. Chen on His 70th Birthday. Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 183-222.

Zhang, Jie (2007). Constraint weighting and constraint domination: A formal comparison. Phonology 24(3): 433-459.

Zhang, Jie (2007). A directional asymmetry in Chinese tone sandhi systems. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 16(4): 259-302.

Zhang, Jie (2004). Contour tone licensing and contour tone representation. Language and Linguistics 5(4): 925-968. (Journal link)

Zhang, Jie (2004). The role of contrast-specific and language-specific phonetics in contour tone distribution. In Bruce Hayes, Robert Kirchner, and Donca Steriade (eds.), Phonetically based phonology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. 157-190. (Cambridge link)

Zhang, Jie (2002). The effects of duration and sonority on contour tone distribution — A typological survey and formal analysis. Routledge, New York.

Zhang, Jie (2002). A phonetically-based OT account for the /n/-/ŋ/ asymmetry upon /ɻ/-suffixation in northern Chinese dialects. In Chen-Sheng Liu and Sze-Wing Tang (eds.), On the Formal Way to Chinese Linguistics. CSLI, Stanford University, CA. 233-259.

Zhang, Jie (2000). Non-contrastive features and categorical patterning in Chinese diminutive suffixation — Max[F] or Ident[F]?  Phonology 17(3): 427-478.

Awards & Honors

Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars, Alpha Pi Chapter, University of Kansas, 2017-present

Young Scholar Award, International Association of Chinese Linguistics, 2006

Silver Anniversary Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Kansas, 2005

Excellence in Teaching Award, Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Kansas, 2005

Grants & Other Funded Activity

National Science Foundation: Neural mechanisms for phonological alternation with high and low productivity - a case study on tone sandhi. PI. $439,770. Co-PIs: Dr. Caicai Zhang, Dr. Stephen Politzer-Ahles, Dr. Gang Peng, Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr. Chiaying Lee, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (the American Region): Experimental investigation of tone sandhi in three Hakka dialects spoken in Taiwan. PI. $30,000. Co-investigator: Dr. Yuwen Lai, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.

National Science Foundation: Testing the productivity of Chinese tone sandhi.  2008-2013. PI. $300,000.

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (the American Region): Testing the role of phonetic naturalness in Taiwanese tone sandhi. 2006-2007. PI. $24,000. Co-Investigators: Dr. Jane Tsay and Dr. James Myers, Institute of Linguistics, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan.


Journal editor:

Language and Linguistics Compass, Phonetics and Phonology Section (2018-2020)

Journal editorial boards:

Lingua Sinica (2016-present)

International Journal of Chinese Linguistics (2013-present)

Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature (2010-2014)

Journal of East Asian Linguistics (2006-present)

Select service at University of Kansas:

Chair, Department of Linguistics (2021-present)

Interim Chair, Department of Linguistics (Spring 2013, Spring 2020)

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Linguistics (2007-2014, Fall 2018)

Benchmarks for Teaching Effectiveness Chairs Working Group, Center for Teaching Excellence (2021-2022)

Jayhawk Rising - Faculty Success Design Team (2020)

Faculty Facilitator Coordinator, Center for Faculty Development and Mentoring (2019-2020)

Faculty Facilitator, Center for Faculty Development and Mentoring (2018-2019)

Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (2018-2021); Chair of Committee (2019-2020)

Advisory committee, Center for East Asian Studies  (2011-2013)

Faculty senate (2008-2011)

Academic Misconduct Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (2004-2006)


Linguistic Society of America

Acoustical Society of America

International Phonetic Association

Association for Laboratory Phonology

International Association of Chinese Linguistics

The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (1998-2008)