M.A. Alumni


Asmaa Alharthi
Variation in Arabic Subject Agreement (Advisor: John Gluckman)

Asma Alzahrani
Processing Regular Verbal Morphology In L2 Arabic: A Masked Priming Study (Advisors: Utako Minai and Stephen Politzer-Ahles)

Peace Benson
A Description of Relative Clauses in Dzə (Advisor: John Gluckman)

Rotsuprit Saengthong
Restructuring and Movement Analysis of Thai Object Control (Advisor: John Gluckman)

Cassidy Thornsberry
Second-Person Pronouns and Mental State Language (Advisors: Utako Minai)



Angela Feng
Relative clauses in Kibembe (Advisor: John Gluckman)
Jonathan Rancudo
French Nonfinite Complementizers (Advisor: John Gluckman)
Victoria "Tori" Routsong
The Social N400: the effect of confederate language comprehension (Advisor: Robert Fiorentino)
Madeline "Maddie" Stewart
Processing Regular Verbal Morphology: An ERP Study (Advisors: Robert Fiorentino and Alison Gabriele)
Chang Wang
Investigating the variability of external sandhi application – a case study of morpho-syntactically complex Mandarin Tone 3 sandhi (Advisor: Jie Zhang)
Xuan Wang
Second Language Pronominal Processing by Chinese-speaking Learners of English: An ERP Study (Advisors: Robert Fiorentino and Alison Gabriele)


Amaya Madden
Second language judgments on and metalinguistics knowledge of Japanese negative polarity item licensing conditions (Advisor: Utako Minai)
Corey McCulloch
L2 learners’ perception of non-native nasals in unfamiliar locations (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Morgan Robertson
L1 English L2 French perception of nasal vowels (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Tzu-Hsuan Yang
Processing of English lexical stress in different intonational contexts (Advisor: Annie Tremblay)
Yi "Kevin" Zhang
The role of segmental and suprasegmental information in the adaptation to English-accented Mandarin Chinese (Advisor: Allard Jongman)


Amer Asiri
Light Verbs in Tihami Arabic (Advisor: John Gluckman)
Andrew Collins
Examining Markedness in the Agreement of Coordinated Noun Phrases in Spanish (Advisor: Alison Gabriele & Robert Fiorentino)
Romina Duran
Weak and Strong Definite Distinction in Qom (Advisor: Andrew McKenzie)
Aron Finholt
Attitude Reports and Relative Belief: A New Perspective on the Swahili Dual Complementizer System (Advisor: John Gluckman)
Hao Lin
Corrective Feedback Type and Structure Salience in Second Language Acquisition (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Ayumi Nobuki
The Role of the Contrastive Topic -wa in Negation: Empirical Evidence from Felicity Judgment of Negative Sentences in Japanese (Advisor: Utako Minai)
Alesha Pisciotta
Online L2 Processing of the Spanish Subjunctive in Adverbial Clauses: A Comparison between Processing Instruction and Meaningful Output-Based Instruction (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Charles Henry Pratt
Morphosyntactic Acquisition of Counterfactual Conditionals in L3 Brazilian Portuguese (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Wunan Zhang
Do listeners store surface or underlying forms of vowel variants? A study on dialectal variants of Mandarin (Advisor: Annie Tremblay)


Sheyenne Fishero
Perception and Production of Mandarin-Accented English: The Effect of Degree of Accentedness on ISIB-L and ISIB-T (Advisor: Joan Sereno & Allard Jongman)
Trevin Garcia
Subject Deletion in Southwest Kansas Latino English (Advisor: John Gluckman)
Hyoju Kim
Word-level stress processing in Korean-speaking second language learners of English (Advisor: Annie Tremblay)
Nathan Schellenberg
Differential High Vowel Devoicing in Korean Illusory Vowel Perception (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Fenqi Wang
The Effect of Pitch Accent on the Perception of English Lexical Stress by Native Listeners (Advisor: Annie Tremblay)


Ruoqian Cheng
Acoustic analysis of nasal and lateral consonants: The merger in Eastern Min (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
John-Patrick Doherty
Hypothetical conditional clauses in Ibibio (Advisor: Andrew McKenzie)
Shuxiao Gong
Gradient acceptability in Mandarin non-word judgment (Advisor: Jie Zhang)
Chang Liu
The role of acoustic cues in Mandarin listeners' assimilation of Gong'an tones to Mandarin tones (Advisor: Annie Tremblay)
Yen Thi Hai Tran
Written Exam
Alexandria Vogt-Woodin
Ambiguity in attitude predicates: An investigation of English 'make sure' (Advisor: Andrew McKenzie)
Delaney Wilson
Morphological decomposition of regular and irregular verbs by native English speakers (Advisors: Robert Fiorentino & Alison Gabriele)


Jonah Bates
A typology of person marking referent reanalysis in six language families (Advisor: Andrew McKenzie)
Kayla Clark
Written Exam
Phillip Kroh
Rates of scalar implicature generation in second language English by native speakers of Japanese (Advisor: Utako Minai)
Mashael Mojamami
Written Exam
Lena Roesner
Written Exam
Tingting Wang
Examining implicit causality in the processing of pronouns in English (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Bin Wei
Written Exam
Kunning Yang
Written Exam
Yuyu (Rustle) Zeng
A comparison of falling tone and rising tone in Chinese: a dissociation between production and perception (Advisor: Allard Jongman)


Reema Al-Mutair
Written Exam
Nicholas Feroce
Working memory modulates the processing of pronominal ambiguity in Spanish: Evidence from event-related potentials (Advisors: Robert Fiorentino & Alison Gabriele)
Masashi Harada
Pseudoclefts in Japanese (Advisor: Andrew McKenzie)
Ryan Johnson
Written Exam
Charles Redmon
Source characteristics of dorsal frication (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Seulgi Shin
The effects of prosodic structure on lexical access: An investigation of Korean denasalization (Advisor: Annie Tremblay)


Zhuo Chen
The syntax of ha polar questions in Wuhu Chinese (Advisor: Andrew McKenzie)
David K. Kummer
A ton of planks in plankton: Examining morpho-orthographic decomposition in the early stages of  complex word processing (Advisor: Robert Fiorentino)
Xiakun Li
Written Exam
Wenting Tang
The role of islands in dependency resolution: A comparison of filler-gap and cataphoric dependencies (Advisor: Alison Gabriele & Robert Fiorentino)
Xiao Yang
Context-dependent meaning computation: An investigation of the effect of question under discussion on scalar impliature (Advisors: Robert Fiorentino & Utako Minai)


Lauren Covey
Gender agreement as a predictive processing cue: Evidence from L2 learners and speakers of Hindi (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Longcan Huang
The syntax of Vietnamese causatives (Advisor: Jason Kandybowicz)
Hannah K. Jones
Written Exam
Michael S. Swarts
Written Exam


Jie Liu
Grammatically-guided resolution of filler-gap dependencies: An investigation of Chinese multiple dependencies (Advisors: Alison Gabriele & Robert Fiorentino)
Travis Major
Syntactic Islands in Uyghur (Advisor: Harold Torrence)
Maria Rangel
Written Exam
Ethan E. Skinner
Sources of difficulty in the L2 acquisition of Chinese reflexives and pronouns (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Kimberly Swallom
Written Exam
Wen-chi Yeh
Frequency-based lexical variation in Taiwanese onomatopeia (Advisor: Jie Zhang)


Hesham Abdel Karim Aldamen
The production of emphasis by second language learners of Arabic (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Ibrahima Ba
The Clause Structure of Pulaar (Advisor: Harold Torrence)
Jonathan Coffee
Quantificational Pronouns in Uyghur (Advisor: Harold Torrence)
Philip Duncan
The morpho-syntax of indefinite pronouns in lliatenco Me’phaa (Advisor: Harold Torrence)
Chih-Hsiang Hsieh
The Perception of Epenthetic Vowels in Voiced and Voiceless Contexts in Japanese (Advisor: Joan Sereno)
Robert Lewis Jr.
Complementizer agreement in Najdi Arabic (Advisor: Harold Torrence)
Maria Teresa Martinez-Garcia
Processing verbal inflection in native and non-native Spanish (Advisors: Alison Gabriele & Robert Fiorentino)
Kotoko Nakata
Perception of sound symbolism in mimetic stimuli: The voicing contrast in Japanese and English (Advisor: Joan Sereno)
Sally Ocampo
Morphological variability in long-distance subject-verb agreement: a study of native and nonnative processing (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Matthew Orzulak
Written Exam
Hanbo Yan
The productivity of tone sandhi patterns in Wuxi Chinese (Advisor: Jie Zhang)


Adrienne M. Johnson
Processing of wh-movement by second language learners (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Mark Allen Lanfranca
An acoustic study of underspecified vowels in Turkish (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Goun Lee
Acoustic characteristics of Korean fricatives and affricates (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Beatriz Lopez Prego
Examining the nature of variability in native and nonnative Spanish (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Naoko Takami
Written Exam
Eun Sun Tark
An experimental study on Korean rhythm structure on the basis of rhythm metrics (Advisor: Allard Jongman)


Abuduwaili Ayifu
Written Exam
Kristi N. Bond
Examining morphological sensitivity and individual differences in the acquisition of agreement in a second language (Advisor: Alison Gabriele)
Hiba E. Gharib
Transitivity alterations in Sorani Kurdish (Advisor: Clifton Pye))
Sarah Mealiff Coughlan
Written Exam
Stephen J. Politzer-Ahles
Online processing of scalar implicatures in Chinese as revealed by event-related potentials (Advisor: Robert Fiorentino)
Jeffrey R. Shouse
Cortical responses to familiar and novel orthographic systems (Advisor: Robert Fiorentino)
Breanna I. Vannocker
The effect of background language and speaker differences on serial recall of aurally presented single-talker stimuli (Advisor: Allard Jongman)


Olga Dmitrieva
Incomplete neutralization in Russian final devoicing: Acoustic evidence from native speakers and second language learners (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Pedro Mateo Pedro
Acquisition of the inflectional morphology in Q'anjob'al (Advisor: Clifton Pye)
Nathan D. Poell
A phonetic study of the vowels and tones of western Cherokee (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Nina V. Radkevich
Multiple Wh-Questions in Russian (Advisor: Sara Rosen)


Mariko Karasawa
Native and Non-native Production and Perception of Japanese Affricate [ts] and the Fricative [s] (Advisor: Joan Sereno)
Diana Pastoriza
Second Language Lexical Processing: Influence of Teaching Method and Word Characteristics (Advisor: Joan Sereno)


Yuwen Lai
The effect of aspiration on the fundamental frequency of the following tone in Taiwanese (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Natalia Evgenyevna Plotnikov
Ultimate phonological attainment of second language leaners: A perceptual study of advance Russian learners of English
Eva Rodríguez Gonzalez
L2 Acquisition of the Spanish Preterite (Advisor: Joan Sereno)
David A. Teeple
Concatenative morphology as universal: An optimality account, with analyses of Arabic and Sierra Miwok verbal morphology


Ricardo M. Benitez
An acoustic and perceptual study of the vowels of Spanish (Advisor: Joan Sereno)
Molly F. Collins
Young children's understandings of the meaning of on in English and Korean (Advisor: Clifton Pye)
Kazumi Maniwa
Acoustic and perceptual evidence of complete neutralization of the word-final tonal specificaition in Japanese (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Yumiko Sasaki
Kanji Conversion of Spelled Japanese Person Names
Travis W. Wade
Evaluating possible linguistic function of vertical scaling in speech intonation: Evidence from Japanese tone (Advisor: Allard Jongman)
Junko Maekawa Young
Movement of the object in English and Japanese in minimalist program