Student Associations and Department Committees
Linguistics Undergraduate Club of Kansas (LUCK)
Are you an undergraduate student interested in linguistics or other language-related fields? LUCK is an undergraduate student organization at KU. The purpose of this organization is to promote student success and career preparation in linguistics and other language-related fields by encouraging networking among students, facilitating access to linguistic resources, and engaging in discussion regarding the study of human language. LUCK accepts students from all majors; the only qualification is an interest in linguistics. We welcome your participation in our events! To learn more and get involved, please see the list of contacts and the Rock Chalk Central link in the menu on the right.

Linguistics Graduate Student Association - LGSA
LGSA is a duly constituted organization within the university, to which all enrolled graduate students automatically belong. Election of officers of the association (president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, & department representatives) is held late in the spring semester for the following academic year. Activities of the association may vary from time to time, but normally include:
- Maintenance of a small library: maintaining dissertations and theses, and student papers placed in the collection on the recommendation of a member of the faculty.
- Production of the Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics, an annual volume published online at KU ScholarWorks containing original research papers by graduate students and faculty.
- Student Department Representatives will participate in meetings of the Department, with voting privileges. Their participation will be subject to the following conditions:
- Students shall participate in discussion of and vote on departmental policies and planning (e.g., proposals of new courses and revisions of existing courses, formulation of degree requirements, preparation of reading lists, processing reports and requests for information).
- Students shall not participate in discussion of matters pertaining to personnel and evaluations (e.g., selection and appointment of faculty committees or representatives, graduate admissions, M.A. and Ph.D. examination preparation and evaluation, recommendations for student awards and fellowships, budget matters), and other related matters as determined by the Chair.
- Student opinion shall be solicited on such matters as promotion and tenure recommendations, recruitment of new faculty, and preparation of class schedules, but only faculty shall vote on them. In the case of student petitions, the student representatives will be excused and shall not participate in the voting.
Department Representatives Committee:
Fall 2024
Ph.D. - Katie Hemberger
Masters - Brakson Ping
Spring 2025
Ph.D. - Angela Feng
Masters - Brakson Ping
Colloquy Committee:
Social Media Coordination Committee:
KWPL Editors Committee:
- Tzu-Hsuan Yang (spokeperson)
- Katie Hemberger
- Chang Wang
- Xuan Wang