Blake Hall in the fall


Language is a window into the mind. Linguistics provides an understanding of the human capacity to acquire, perceive, and produce language and of language's role in contemporary society.

Linguistics Newsletter

Experimental Sociolinguistics Seminar (LING 491/910)

Are you interested in learning about experimental approaches to sociolinguistic questions?

How do listeners socially evaluate language?

What type of sociolinguistic knowledge do language users have?

Hands-on experience/workshops

Want to learn about experimental approaches to sociolinguistic questions?

We will design and run a novel sociolinguistic experiment as a class.


Experimental Sociolinguistics Seminar (LING 491/910)
Professor Rober Fiorentino with students at poster session

Undergraduate Programs

The Department offers a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of General Studies, and two minors in Linguistics.

Degrees Offered

Students in Neuro Lab

Graduate Programs

The Department offers a Master of Arts degree and a Ph.D. degree.

Degrees Offered

Linguistics Stats

Undergraduate degree options
Graduate level degrees

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